Relationship & Couples Intensives

Make time for your relationship (even when you don’t have time).

Imagine the possibilities if you put everything aside, just for a little while, and focused on the relationship that matters most.

couple holding hand walking on beach rocks

You want to feel like you’re on the same team again.

It seems like a long time since you felt like the two of you have seen eye-to- eye. In the past, it never felt this way. You dreamed together and could be honest with one another about what you wanted in this life.

But now, you’re tiptoeing around one another, probably avoiding the important issues.

What could you achieve if you could truly communicate with one another again?

Get your relationship (and your time) back with a Couples Intensive*. 

Over the course of one or two days, have conversations you never thought you’d be able to have, learn to release chronic anger and resentment, and leave with tangible skills that you can start using right away.

*Intensives with me are for any relationship structure, not limited to couples, and are poly/kink-friendly spaces.

An Intensive is in-person, immersive, research-backed, step-by-step relationship coaching in a condensed timeframe. 

Though the process is short, you’ll gain skills and insights into your relationship and yourself that last a lifetime.

Choose a one-day or two-day option, depending on your needs and goals.


The One-Day Intensive

GOAL: Education & skills training that is both concrete and actionable.

  • Establish a solid foundation of knowledge about how and why conflicts begin

  • Know how to step out of the cycle of blame (and even stop it before it starts)

  • Finally stop having that “same old argument”

  • Create a solid plan for how you can implement what you’ve learned in your real-life

The One-Day Intensive is held on Saturday or Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm.

The Two-Day Intensive

GOAL: Build on day one, address longstanding issues, and forge a stronger bond.

  • Practice your new skills and get in-the-moment, live coaching

  • Tackle issues (sex, finances, parenting) that have been plaguing you for years and find a path forward

  • Understand your partner’s heart and mind in new ways so you can have the hard conversations with greater care and compassion

  • Embrace and commit to the future you want - with a detailed understanding of how to get there.

The Two-Day Intensive is held on Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm.

“How do we know if a one-day or two-day intensive is right for us?”

couple looking at each other lovingly

A One-Day Intensive
may be best if….

  • You want to communicate better but it’s logistically challenging to get to weekly couples therapy 

  • You want to gain traction on stuck points, such as money, sex, or division of household labor

  • You want to shore up your relationship before the birth of a new child, getting married, or other big life changes

A Two-Day intensive
may be best if….

  • If you have tried other couples therapy before and feel you didn’t progress

  • You know that your relationship needs in-depth repair due to longstanding resentment

  • Infidelity or other betrayals have caused damage to the foundation of trust in your relationship

  • You are questioning whether this relationship will work and want to give it one last shot

How it works

Couples Intensives take place in my office, located in Newton, MA, a charming, politically progressive city 7 miles west of Downtown Boston which is made up of 13 distinct “villages” with dining, shopping, B&Bs, and outdoor spaces to explore.

Over the course of one or two days, we will use the road map of the Developmental Model, an innovative model from The Couples Institute to help you deep dive into the issues that matter to you most, understand how you can change patterns you are stuck in and develop confidence to continue your progress after the intensive ends.

You will leave the intensive with a comprehensive, customized binder that can be used any time you get stuck.

Why work with me

If you've been grappling with issues that seem nearly impossible to voice—such as the complexities of your religious upbringing, the heavy weight of shame, or the nuances of your sexuality—issues that others might struggle to understand, then I might be the right therapist for you and your partner.

As a clinical social worker and certified sex therapist, I have both the range and the depth of skills to work with you exactly as you are. I am committed to you as a couple, but also to helping each partner walk away from our Intensive with greater self-understanding and compassion that you can bring into all aspects of your lives going forward.

Want to know more about me?

couple walking on a beach

“Can we afford this?”

You could take another vacation that works as a patch for a little while OR you could gift one another a weekend dedicated to growth, change, and understanding that will last a lifetime (and make all your future vacations way more enjoyable!).

An Intensive is equivalent to getting 6 months to a year of therapy (which is more costly in the end–especially if you aren’t making progress with a traditional weekly model that could end up taking years). 

Get in touch with me to learn more about current pricing and payment options.

“Can this improve our sex life?” 

If you know that I’m a sex therapist then you may, understandably, wonder if this intensive will be sex therapy-focused. 

While I may ask questions about your satisfaction with your sex life (as it is an important part of a healthy relationship) this intensive model is focused on skills for communication and connection.

Once these skills are established, many partners feel empowered to discuss difficult topics such as the sexual health of their relationship. In the two-day Intensive, there is ample opportunity to practice sharing these feelings with one another.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. Intensives are available to any clients who can attend them in my office in Newton, MA.

    At this time, Intensives are NOT offered via telehealth.

  • As with any therapy or coaching, your results will vary based upon what you bring to the experience and what you put into it. There are no guarantees.

    I thoroughly screen potential participants to avoid wasting anyone’s time or money with a service that’s not a good fit.

    Here are some situations where an intensive would be the wrong fit:

    • There is active addiction within the relationship

    • There is an active or ongoing affair and you or your partner are unwilling to disclose it

    • A betrayal within the relationship has recently been disclosed and the energy required for self-reflection is not available due to anger

    • There is an active and untreated severe mental health issue for one or both partners

    • There is active or ongoing physical, emotional, or financial violence within the relationship

    • One of you is experiencing thoughts of harm toward yourself or others

    Participating in an Intensive in any of these circumstances could unintentionally exacerbate distress and instability within the relationship.

  • Any couple, who is engaged and invested in working on their relationship is eligible for a Relationship Intensive. That being said, to maintain the gains made during a One or Two-Day experience with me, it is critical that you develop a therapeutic relationship with a therapist who is knowledgeable in the Couples Developmental Model. Having this relationship established PRIOR to your work with me will allow for the most impactful experience. I am happy to provide you with a list of qualified professionals if I am not able to continue on as your therapist.

    Before your scheduled Relationship Intensive, each partner must complete several questionnaires designed to help me understand your unique relationship and its challenges. Inability to return those to me in due time may impact my ability to offer the Intensive to you on the date we agreed upon.

Ready to create the relationship
you’ve always wanted?

Fill out the inquiry form below and I will get back to you within 3 business days to start the screening process and provide more detailed information about cost and availability.